Ongoing Research Projects
2022- Present
[GRF] Investigating Hong Kong Kindergarten Teachers’ Implementation of a Play-Based Approach in Music Education
The findings will fill an important gap in theoretical and professional knowledge about the implementation of a play-based approach in early childhood music education, which is notably an underexplored area. Significantly, they will provide teachers educators of the higher institutions with evidence-based recommendations on the development of music teacher training framework for addressing kindergarten teachers’ pressing professional needs, with wider implications to other creative arts with play-based elements. Ultimately, they may inform Hong Kong’s future policymaking in kindergarten education by providing significant insights into the application of play-based learning which is currently included in the policy agenda of kindergarten curriculum.
Keywords: Music education; music in early childhood; musical play; creativity; neuroscience and child engagement; teacher competencies; self-efficacy; cognitive psychology; educational policy
2021- present
The Impact of Covid-19 on Cantonese Opera in Hong Kong
Embracing an extensive study that has spanned almost three years amidst the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, this project aims to offer an in-depth and comprehensive examination of the experiences and impact of the pandemic on the Cantonese opera industry.
Keywords: Community music; cultural heritage; technologies; education and transmission; pandemic; sociology
2023 - present
Arts and Technology: Integrating Technologies into the Transmission of Cantonese Opera.
Globally, many traditional art genres have undergone various transformations to survive in contemporary society, often utilizing new media extensively. The 2020 Policy Address officially expressed the government's determination to actively promote the development of art technology. In response to this policy emphasis and the contemporary technological advancements, some Cantonese opera troupes have started integrating modern technologies into their performances, such as immersive technology and three-dimensional projections, to enhance scene effects and interaction between actors and the stage. Despite this current policy emphasis, studies on the utilization of technologies in Cantonese opera performances are still limited. This study aims to fill this important research gap through a mixed-methods research design.
Keywords: Community music; technology; artificial intelligence; cultural heritage; cultural policy; music education
Completed Projects
2019 - 2020
Outreach and Education Programmes in Performing Arts: A Study of Play-Based and Creative Approach in Performing Arts
This study included intensive fieldwork conducted at the performing arts groups, supplemented by historical and archival research on outreach programs. The project aims to contribute to our understanding of the role and impacts of outreach programs undertaken by major performing arts groups.
Keywords: Arts education; community music; performing arts institutions; outreach and engagement; creativity; underprivileged children; diversity; inclusivity
2020 - 2021
Promoting Peer Learning through Digital Exhibition for Cultural Management Programme
This project aims to bring about a digital approach to the learning and teaching in the B.A. Programme in Cultural Management.
Keywords: Arts education; peer-learning approach; pandemic; performing arts; creativity; education psychology